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Whisky library


My collection of books related to whisky spans from the period 1783 to 2013.
The library contains 200+ titles out of 300+ possible.
The missing 100+ are all listed in a separate segment.
All the listed titles (including the missing ones) are studied
and found worthy to be included here


As long as you cite the source feel free to cut and paste from the list.
Please do not abuse by 'stealing' from the list and paste to your own pages
claiming that you have assembled ....'to your knowledge the largest and most
complete bibliography on Internet', which have happend.
The list have been up since April 1996. It does contain some fictious titles
which enable me to trace abuse.

Over the years my collection has become almost complete.
However I am lacking a few titles.
Hence this 'advertisement' to try to locate the missing ones.
Hopefully, this may also serve the pupose of helping me to
establish contacts with other Single Malt collectors and enthusiasts

The ones I am lacking are underlined and written in this color, they are NOT 'clickable'.

Books with more than one author is listed under the first name.
A remark is given under note.


Books in English

Author........................ Title....................................................... Note............................
26 authors-26 designers 26 Malts, some joy rideCompilation by SMWS
Allanson, RobTastings, the first 10 vyears/Whisky magazine.
Amis, KingsleyOn drinkPartly on whisky
Anderson, JThe house of Dewar 1846-1946.
Andrews, AllenThe whisky barons.
Angeloni,UmbertoSingle Malt Whisky, an italian passionintro by Charles MacLean
Arthur, HelenThe Single Malt Whisky Companion, A Connoisseur's Guide.
Arthur, HelenSingle Malt WhiskyIll. identifier of 80 Malts
Arthur, HelenA Teacher's tale.
Arthur, HelenWhisky, Uisge beatha, The water of life.
Banks, IanRaw Spirit.
Barnard, AlfredThe whisky distilleries of UKFacsimile 1987. First edition 1887.
Barnard, AlfredThe whisky distilleries of UKReprint of facsimile 2000.
Barnard, AlfredThe whisky distilleries of UKStripped version.
Barnard, AlfredHow to blend Scotch WhiskyRe-print 2005.
Begg, DonaldThe bottled malt whiskies of Scotland.
Bell, ColinScotch Whisky.
Benitah, ThierryThe little book of whiskyTranslated from French.
McConachie SheilaThe Whsiky KitchenGraham Harvey co-writer
Berlin, MichaelDistiller's Company, Ashort history.
Bernhardt, Ralf & Wursching, GeorgeAberlour SMW Collector's Guide.
Bernhardt, Ralf & Wursching, GeorgeGlenfarclas SMW Collector's Guide .
Bernhardt, Ralf & Wursching, GeorgeGlenmorangie SMW Collector's Guide .
Bernhardt, Ralf & Wursching, GeorgeGlen Moray SMW Collector's Guide .
Bernhardt, Ralf & Wursching, GeorgePort Ellen SMW Collector's Guide .
Bielenberg, ALockes distillery, a history.
Bond, KethMemoirs of an Exciseman.
Both, JohnA toast to Ireland.
Brander, MichaelThe essential guide to Scotch Whisky.
Brander, MichaelThe original Scotch.
Brander, MichaelScotch Whisky.
Brander, MichaelA Guide to Scotch Whisky1975.
Brooks, BrianWhisky, Dispensers and Measures.
Broom, DaveWhisky, a connoisseur-s guide.
Broom, DaveHandbook of whisky.
Brown, The whisky trails.
Bruce-Gardyne, Tom The Scotch Whisky Book.
Brown, Lorraine The story of Canadian Whisky.
Buchanan, JScotch Whisky, the single maltsAustralian co-authors
Burke, Scotch on the rocks.
Burns, EdwardBad whisky.
Buxrud, UlfRare Malts, facts figures and tasteOct 2006
Buxton, IanWhisky history, hints and tips.
Buxton, IanThe wits and wisdom of Tommy Dewar.
Buxton IanThe enduring legacy of Dewar's
Byrne, PA remedy for the distilleries of Ireland1783
Byrn, Marcus LafayetteThe complete practical distiller1866
Caldenby, PärEnjoying malt whisky.
Campbel, Sally van WinkleBut always fine bourbon: Papa van Winkle.
Campbel, DollyCaol Ila Distillery 1846-1996A photographic celebration
Cantini, PatriziaWhiskyFrom Italian to English
Carson, GeraldThe social history of Bourbon.
Cecil, Sam KThe evolution of the Bourbon Whisky Industry in Kentucky.
Checkland, OliveJapanese whisky, Scotch Blend.
Collinson, FThe life and time of William Grant.
Cooper, DerekGuide to whiskies of Scotland.
Cooper, DThe whisky roads of ScotlandF. Godwin co-author
Cooper, DerekThe little book of whisky.
Cooper, DerekThe century companion to whisky.
Cooper, DerekA taste of Scotch.
Cooper, DerekThe Balvenie.
Cooper, DerekEnjoying ScotchD.Patulla, co-author
Cowdery, Charles K.Bourbon Straight.
Craig, CThe Scotch Whisky Industry Record.
Craig, CGlenpatrick House, unsuccesfull dist..
Crawford, W.SSovereign Liquor (Irish whisky).
Cribb SWhisky on the rocksDescribes the 'terroirs
Crowgey, HenryKentucky Bourbon
Crowley, Story of irish whisky.
Dabney, J.EMountain Spirits.
Daiches, DA wee dram.
Daiches, DScotch whisky its past and present.
Daiches, DLet us collect scotch whisky.
Darwen, JThe illustrated history of whisky.
Delves, StuartCreative Fire
Dewar, T.R.A ramble around the globe (Dewar's Whisky)1894
Drake Jacky (Murray Jim)25 years of the Mini Bottle club/foreword by J Murray .
Dunnet, AThe land of Scotch.
Dunn, BenWhisky in my veinsCo-author Phil McCavaty
Elder, AThe whisky map of Scotland.
Emmet, Make your own Scotch.
Erskine, KevinThe Instant Expert's Guide to Single Malt Scotch.
Fairley, JScottish drink bookSev. co-authors
Flemming, SThe little whisky book.
Forbes, GScotch Whisky.
Ford, D The Suth African Whisky Handbook.
Francis, EdwardThe Glenlivet.
Gabanyi, SSchumans Whisk(e)y LexiconFrom German to English
Gardiner, LNorth British, the first 100 years.
Getz, OWhiskeyAmerican whiskies
Gils,Michael van / Offringa, HansThe legend of Laphroaig.
Gow, RCooking with scotch whisky.
Graham, Duncan & WendyVisiting Distilleries.
Gray, James H.Booze, The impact of whisky on the Prairie West.
Green, BJack Daniels legacy.
Greenwood, MA nip around the world.
Greenwood, MAnother nip around the worldVolume 2
Greenwood, MA Ramble around the world, revisitedin T. Dewars footsteps
Greenwood, MUnique Distilleries of Scotland.
Greenwood, M & Green, MCollecting malt whisky.
Grindal, RThe spirit of whiskey.
Grindal, RReturn to the Glen/Adventures on the Scotch Whisky Trail.
Gunn, NWhisky and Scotland.
Guthrie , JoScotch Whisky Recipes.
Hallgarten, PeterSpirits & Liqeurs.
Harris, FSingle maltWaymack co-author
Harwell, R.BThe mint julep.
Hills, PScotch on scotch.
Hills, PhilipAppreciating Whisky.
Hills, PipScotch Whisky Directory.
House, JThe spirit of the White Horse.
House, JPride of Perth.
Hughes, JohnScotland's Dalt Whiskey Distilleries, survival of the fittest.
Hughes, JohnA history of Scotch whisky advertising'Still going dtrong'
Hutchinson, Polly, whisky galore.
Jackson, MScotland and its whiskies.
Jackson, MComplete guide to single malt.
Jackson, MMalt whisky companionSeveral editions.
Jackson, MMalt whisky companionSigned millenium edition
Jackson, MThe world guide to whisky.
Jefford, AndrewPeat. smoke and spirit, a history of Islay.
Jones, AndrewWhiskey Talk: A Spirited Collection of Facts and Essential.
Kane, FAnatomy of the whisky business.
Keegan, AScotch in miniatureFor mini collectors
Kellner, EMoonshine, its history and folklore.
Kilby, KennethA cooper and his trade.
Kinross, The kindred spirit.
Kirsch, Harry(In)complete guide to Independent Bottlers of Single malt Scotch whisky.Free, from the Web.
Krass, PeterBlood & Whiskey, the life and times of Jack Daniel.
Kroll, HBluegrass, Belle and Bourbon.
Lamond, JWhisky book of days 1993Annual publication
Lamond, JWhisky book of days 1994Annual publication
Lamond, J and Tucek R.The malt file (1989)R. Tucec co-author
Lamond, J and Tucek R.The malt whisky file (1995 + 1997) (click, its on the net)R. Tucec co-author
Langley AndrewThe Magical mystery tour of Aberlour.
Laver, JThe house of Haig.
Lee, AlmaScotchA malt whisky tasting journal
Lerner, DanielSingle Malt & Scotch Whiskies.
Lockhart, Sir R.BScotch.
Mackie, AThe scotch whisky drinkers comp..
Maclean, CPocket whisky book.
MacLean, CPocket Whisky BookRevised 2004
Maclean, CDiscovering Scotch Whisky.
Maclean, CScotch Whisky.
Maclean, CMalt WhiskyPubl 1997
MacLean, CScottish toasts.
MacLean, CWhisky - A liquid history.
MacLean, CWhisky Tasting: The nosing course.
MacLean, CMiscellany of Whisky.
MacLean, CThe Macallan.
MacLean, CWhisky Tales.
MacLean, C et alJura, taste of island lifeseveral contributors
Magee, M100 years of Irish whisky.
Mantle, JBalblair.
Martine, RScotland, the land and the whisky.
Martine, Roddy et alSingle Malt Scotch.
Maund, DRare scotch whisky miniaturesSev. co-authors
MacDonald, IanSmuggling in the Highlands.
Maurer, DavidKentucky moonshine2003
McBain, B.SStrathisla.
McConachie SheilaThe Whisky KitchenGraham Harvey co-writer
McCorqudale, Usige-BeathaJ&B
McCreary, AAprit of the ageBushmill
McDonald, AWhisky.
McDougal, JohnWort, Worms & Washbacks.
McDowall, R.J.SThe whiskies of Scotland (1967x2,71,75) Updated by W. Waugh 1986 see ditto.
McGuffin, JIn praise of poteen.
McGuire, E.BIrish whisky.
McHardy, StuartTales of whisky smuggling.
McHardy, StuartTales of whisky and smugglingNew ed. 2002
McIvor D.Scotch Whisky Top Single MaltsThe author is 'Mr Whisky' at Milroy's
M'Harry, SamuelPractical Distiller. Facsimile of an 1809 version.
McNeill F.MThe Scots Cellar.
Millroy, WMalt whisky almanacSeveral editions
Milsted, DBluff your way in whiskyWellpacked knowledge
Mitchell, EuanA wee guide to whiskyAuthor employed by Springbank
Monzert, L.Practical Distiller /1718/.
Moore, GrahamMalt Whisky: A contemporary Guide.
Morrice, PThe whisky distilleries of ScotlandBarnard 100 yr later
Morrice, PSchweppes guide to scotchA must
Morton, Spirit adventure.
Moss, MScotch whisky.
Moss, MThe making of Scotch whiskyJ. Hume co-author
Mulryan,PeterThe whiskeys of Ireland.
Murphy, BThe world of whisky.
Murray, JimThe complete guide to whisky.
Murray, JimIrish Whisky almanac.
Murray, JimClassic Irish Whiskey.
Murray, JimClassic Blended Scotch.
Murray, JimArt o WhiskyCollection of Posters
Murray JimComplete book of WhiskyDiff from Compl Guide
Murray, JimClassic Bourbon, Tennessee and Rye Whiskey.
Murray, JimHistory of Black Bottle.
Murray, JimJim Murray's Whisky Bible 2006 (2005)..
Nown, DEdradour.
Nown, GrahamMalt Whisky.
Nown, GrahamLaphroaig.
Offringa, HansThe way to Craigellachie
Offringa, HansA taste of Whisky
Offringa, Hans and Van Gils, MarcelThe legend of Laphroaig
Owens Bill & Dikty, AlanThe art of distiliing Whiskey
Owens Bill & Dikty, AlanCraft of distilling Whiskey
Paucault, Paul F.American Still Life: Jim Beam.
Pacult, Paul F.A double Scotch, Chivas - Glenlivet.
Patterson Richard and Smith, Gavin D.Goodness Nose
Perry, SThe New Zealand Whisky book.
Pillans, The North British dist 75 yearWilson co-author
Philpson, JWhisky smuggling on the border.
Piggot, et al The science and technology of whiskySev. co-authors
Poirier, B.E.Whisky with dinner.
Portlan, Duke ofA remedy for the distillers1783
Quinn, Tom et alThe Whisky Companion (Not the same as the Balvenie book with same title) .
Rannie, WCanadian whisky.
Reeve-Jones, A dram like this.
Regan, GBook of Bourbon.
Regan, GaryThe Bourbon Companion.
Robb, J.MScotch Whisky.
Ronde, Ingvar et alMalt Whisky Yearbook Annual 2005 to 2012.
Ross, JWhisky.
Russel, IngeWhisky - Technology, Production and marketing.
Ryan, J.CIrish whisky.
Saintsbury, Notes on a cellarbook1920
Samuels, BHow to select a fine Bourbon.
Scarisbrick, JSpirit manual1894
Seddon, CThe water of life.
Seton, MDistilleries of Moray.
Shaw, Carol P.Gem Guide to whisky.
Shaw, Carol P.Classic malts.
Shaw, Carol P.WhiskyCollins 1996
Sillet, S.WIllicit scotch.
Simpson, BScotch whisky as tasted by...Sev. co-authors
Skipworth, MarkThe Scotch Whisky Book.
Slaughter Thomas P.The whiskey rebellion..
Slinn, IainWhisky Miscellany.
Smith, GavinWhisky, book of words.
Smith, GavinWhisky, wit & wisdom.
Smith, GavinScotch whiskyReprinted 2001 as A century of whisky
Smith, GavinA Century of whisky.
Smith, GavinThe Secret Still.
Smith, GavinThe Whisky Men.
Smith, GavinArdbegGraeme Wallace co-writer
Smith, HelenThe great whiskey rebellion, rebells with a cause.
Smith R.I.Railway Spirit.
Smith-Grant, Cap. WGlenlivet, the annals of.
Steadman, RStill life with bottle.
Stirk, DavidThe Malt Whisky GuideBinder,updateable.
Stirk, DavidRise and fall of Campbeltown.
Spiller, BCardhu.
Spiller, BChamelions eyeAbout Buchanan
Swinson, ArthurScotch on the RocksThe true story
Tolley, LJack Daniels cook bookP. Mitchane co-author
Townsend, BScotch missedA must
Townsend, BThe lost Distilleries of Ireland.
Turle JimGlengoyne.
Udo MisakoThe Scottich Whisky DistilleriesA gem.
UnknownRare images, a view of J&B.
UnknownMalt whisky trailMap w. comments
UnknownThe Malt Whisky map of Scotland (2004).
UnknownAll this from grainAbout North British
UnknownA taste of the Isles.
UnknownMacallan, the definitive buying guideFirst ed 2002.Collins 1996
UnknownThe Macallan, published by tha Tasting Club/Japan (105 pages A4 format).
UnknownThe South African Whisky handbook 2003.
UnknownThe South African Whisky handbook 2006.
Unknown/Agents of Johhy WalkerAround the world with Johhy Walker, 448 pages printed end of 1800.
Unknown (Uniqum System)The Whisky Pilot(click, its on the net)A CD produced in Sweden (english).
Vita, La DolceWhisky.
Walker, JA blenders artJohny Walker
Walker, JAdelphi Distillery.
Waugh, WilliamThe whiskies of Scotland (1986)Revised version of R.J.S McDowalls book, see ditto.
Waymack, M.H.Book of Classic American whiskeysJ.R. Harris co-author
Weir, RThe History of the Malt Distillers Association.
Weir, RThe History of the Distillers Company (DCL) 1877-1939.
Wheatley, DennisNine ages of Justerini's (His 8 years of J&B is a pert of this)Edited by Susan Kevil/Michael Broadbent.
Wheatley, DennisNine ages of Justerini's (Separet print from aboveSpecial edition 1953>.
Wheeler, & Willmott,Spirits UnlimitedNew Zeeland/Home made whisky
Wilson, C. AnneWater of LifeHistory of distilling 500BC-2000AD
Wilson, JScotland's malt whiskies, A dram by dram guideOriginal 1973, revised version 1995?.
Wilson, JScotland's distilleries.
Wilson, NeilScotch and water.
Wilson, NeilThe malt whisky Cellar book.
Wilson, NeilIsland Whisky trail..
Wilson, RScotch its history and romance.
Wilson, RScotch made easy.
Wilson, RThe house of Sanderson.
Wilson, RScotch, the formative years.
Wishart, DavidWhisky classified.
Wisniewski, IanClassic Malt Whisky.
Wisniewski, IanMalt Whisky; discovering, exploring, enjoying..
Wisniewski, IanThe Classic Whisky Handbook.
Wyatt, Mr Seager & Mr Evans.
Zaggatti, ValentinoThe best collection of Malt Scotch Whisky, Volume I.
Zaggatti, ValentinoThe best collection of Malt Scotch Whisky, Volume II.
* CompilationThe Whisky CompanionBalvenie 2004, not the same as Tom Quinn's book with the same title

Books in English I am missing

1796 *
Author........................ Title....................................................... Note............................
Baldwin, Lelans D. Whiskey Rebells (USA)1939
Bateman, JThe excise officers manual1865
Bell, CFamous drambusters guide.
Benitah, TerryWhisky ('thick' version)Translated from French
Bergius, AdamMake your own Scotch Whisky.
Briggs D.E et alMalting and brewing science.
Birnie, WNotes on the dist. of higland malt whisky.
Bronfman, SFrom little acorns.
Broom, DThe world atlas of whisky.
Brown, J.H.Early American Spirits.
Brunschwig, HBook of distilling1530, reprinted 1971
Buxton, Ian101 Whiskies to Try Before You Died.
Carr, JessThe second oldest profession; History of Moonshining in America.
Cecil, S.K/a>Bourbon the evolution - the of Kentucky whikey.
Colville, DuncanList of distilleries in Campbeltown erected since 1817F.p. 1930's
Corrie, EdgarLetters on the subject of the Scotch Whisky Distillation laws.
Cousins, GA family of spiritTeachers
Coyne, W.PThe distillery industry in Ireland.
Crowgey, H.GThe formative years of Kentucky whisky.
Davis B.A.How to make whsikey/TD>.
Day et al.The whisky insurrection..
Defoe, DanielA brief case on the distillers . . . etc.*
Devine, TThe raise and fall of illicit whisky.
Doyle, LThe spirit of Ireland1935
Dublin distillersTruths about whisky 1879, Jameson, Power & Roe
Dunford, JDrinking the water of life.
Dunkling, LThe Guiness drinking companion.
Fielden, CA dynasti in drinkSuntory
Findley, WilliamHistory of the insurrection (US Whisky rebellions)Philadelphia 1796 *
Forbes, K.JA short history of the art of dist..
French, JohnThe art of distillation1653 *
Gabanyi, S & Mattei, GWhisk(e)y.
Graham, SMelrose, honey of roses.
Gramse, AWhisky.
Grant, EMemories of a Highland Lady.
Gray, C.AThe scotch whisky ind. review.
Grimes, WStright up on the rocks.
Harrison, BDrink and the Victorians.
Harper, W.T.Origin and Rise of the British Distillery.
Haslie, S.HFrom burn to bottle.
Health & Safety Executive SWhisky Cask Racking.
Henriques, FEncyclopedia of whisky, Brandy and all other spirits.
Herter, G.L..Moonshiners Bible.
Hough J.S. et al.Malting, Mashing and brewing science..
Hume, JDhallas Dhu.
Jillson, W.R.Early Kentucky Distillers.
de Kergommeaux DavinCanadian whisky, The portable experr.
Killen, JThe pure drop.
Laing, RobinThe whisky muse.
Lamond, JScotland's Malt Distilleries.
Long, JA treatise on malting1880
Lord, TThe world guide to spirits.
Lubbers, BBourbon whikey, our native Spirit.
Lukins, JDoulton Kingsware Whisky flasks, a collectors list.
Lyon, T.PWhiskyA. Rose co-author
MacDonald, JSecret of the grand whisky ring.
Maclean-Ramsey, StuartTitle unknown, publ ?.
MacLean, CWhiskypedia.
Mantle, JThe Ballantine's story.
Marcus, M.RSamuel Bronfman, Seagram's mr Sam.
Marrus, M.The Life of Samuel Bronfman..
McBain, SGlen Grant.
McBain, SBraes of Glenlivet.
McBain, SScotch Malt Whisky.
Meador, CliftonWhiskey Defense (USA)2001
Meyrick, D.A.Whiskey from small glasses
Morrison, BDrink and the Victiorians.
Morrissey, JHot whisky.
Morton, Spirit of adventure.
Muir, GordonWee guide to whisky.
Murray, J.
Nelson, R.Memoirs of an Oregon Moonshiner.
Nettleton, J.AOriginal gravity1881 *
Nettleton, J.ACondensing and cooling in pot stills.
Nettleton, J.AThe manufacturing of spirit.
Newman, P.C..Bronfman Dynasti.
Newton, NCampbeltown's distilleries1991
Pacey, WilliamThe reminiscences of a gauger1873 *
Peat, NShackleton Whisky1873 *
Pyke, MScience and Scotch Whisky.
Riddel, J.BObservations on the scottish whisky .
Rikards, PThe flavor terms of scottish whisky.
Risen, CAmerican Whiskey, Bourbon and Rye.
Robinson, H.MThe water of life.
Rooskrow, DWorld's Best Whiskies.
Schobert, WalterThe Whisky Lexikon.
Schobert, WalterThe Whisk(e)y Treasury.
Scott-Moncrieff, The early use of aquavitae in Scotland.
Sillett, S.WThe whiskies of Scotland.
Simon, ADrink.
Smith,G & Roskrow, DWhisky Opus1718 *
Smith,G & Ridley, NLet me tell you about whisky1718 *
Smith, GeorgeThe Practical Distiller1718 *
Spiller, BDCL and the Scotch Whisky.
Steneker, FWhisky, the complete whisky book.
Stewart, ?WhiskyAcademic Press April 2003
Stewart, GG and Bryce JHDistilled Spirits: Tradition and Innovation
Stopes, HMalt & Malting.
Suterland, Whisky travelettes.
Symons, William The practical gauger, or the young gauger's assistant*
Targett, DScotch whisky, too much to littleR. Ashton co-author
Taylor, IHighland Whisky.
Veach, M.RKentucky Bourbon Whiskey.
Townsend BrianTitle unknown publ in 2000?Neil Wilson co-author
UnknownLittle Books of Ireland: Irish Whiskeys past and present.
Weir, RHistory of the pot still.
Weir, RThe distillery ind. in Scotland.
WilliamsStright Whisky.
Wilson, J.BThe spirit of Old Kentucky.
Wilson, NeilArdbeg - Jewel of Islay.
Wilson, NeilThe Angels Share, malt whisky map of Scotland.
Wright, S.A.Canadian Whisky - From grain to glass.

*) contributed by Ian Buxton

Books in other languages I have or miss

Author......................... Title....................................................... Note.............................
Accolti, PieroIl mio amico whiskyItaly. 1963>
Andersson, BosseWhiskyresanSwedish, 2009
ArntzWeinbrennerGerman. History of distillation
Benitah, TABCdaire du whiskyFrench
Black, FreddieMig og min whiskyDanish
Byrenius, Whisky, en gränslös dryckSwedish
Casamajor, PLe livre de l'amateur de whiskyFrench
Cantini, PatriciaWhisky, Vom gälischen LebenswasserTo German from Italian
Delos, G.Les Whiskies du MondeFrench
Delos, G.Världens whiskySwedish, from french
Ellsberger PerScotch WhiskySwedish
Haeger, KWhisky and whiskeySwedish
Hoffmann, Marc, A.WhiskyFrom German to Swedish
Jackson, MWhiskySwedih
Jaroslaw, UrbanWhisky VademecumPolish 2001
Kingman CeesDe Smak van Malt WhiskyDutch
Laurin UrbanWhisky från hela världenSwedish
Lennartsson, DagGolf, Mat, WhiskySwedish
Lennartsson, DagSveriges Whisky krogarSwedish
Lennartsson, DagWhisky, Whisky, WhiskySwedish
Lennartsson, DagSveriges Whisky krogarSwedish
Lennartsson, DagMera whiskySwedish
Lind, HåkanVärldens bästa whiskySwedish
Lockhart, Sir R.BSkotsk whisky (?)Swedish, from eng.
Mahe, PatrickLa Magie du WhiskyFrench
MacLean, CVärldens WhiskySwedish, from eng.
Mcdowall R.J.SWhisky (Nathorst-Boos)Swedish, from eng.
Mehrlich KlausWhisk(e)y von den britischen InselnGerman
Minnekeer B.& Stefaan Van LaereWhiskyBelgium (Flemish
Minnekeer B.& Stefaan Van LaereMijn favoriete whisky'sBelgium (Flemish)
Morrice, PHarrods book of whiskiesHarrods/Decanter magazine
Morrice, PGuida allo Scotch WhiskyItalian 1985, same as Schweppes Guide
Morrice, PGrande Livto Teacher's de whiskyPortuguese/Brazil 1991
Nouet, MartineLes Routes du MaltFrench
Nugue, CLes Cingles du whiskyFrench (lacking this one)
Okänd/UnknownÄlskade whiskySwedish/Translated from Italian
Pellegrini, MorenoIn viaggop nelle valli del whiskyItalian
Pini, UdoWhiskeyTranslated to Swedish from German
Remy Suede AB The Famous GrouseSwedish
Schobert, WMalt Whisky GuideGerman.
Schobert, WSingle Malt Whisky Note BookGerman
Schobert, WThe Glenmorangie malt TrailGerman
Schobert, WDas Whisky LexikonGerman
Setter, WhiskyGerman,
Skipworth, MDen stora boken om whiskySwedish, from eng.
Steneker FredWhiskyDutch
Tholstrup JensEn WhiskyverdenDenmark (Danish)
Tsuchiya MamoruComplete guide to Scotch Malt WhiskyM. Jackson translated to Japanese (2002)
Tsuchiya MamoruBlended Scotch TaizenJapanese
Tsuchiya MamoruMalt Whisky TaizenJapanese
Tuzmuhamedov ErkinScotch WhiskyRussia 2002 (Cyrillic)
Wesendonk A vonWhisky & WhiskyGerman
Westerlund, ÖrjanSkottlands Whisky destillerierSwedish, 2009
Westerlund, ÖrjanWhiskySwedish, 2010
Westerlund, ÖrjanEn bok om whiskySwedish, 2002
Westerlund, ÖrjanBourbon - Amerikansk WhiskySwedish, 2005
Westerlund, Örjan101 Whisky du måste dricka innan du dörSwedish, 2005
Wurst, lain-XavierWhisky - 100 klassikerTranslated to Swedish, 2006

Some articles and pamphlets with substantial content and of major interest

Author........... Title................................................ Source.............................. Note........
Baird, BryceWhisky Quiz Book.1995
Glenn, I.A.AN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE DISTILLING INDUSTRY IN SCOTLAND 1750-1914 T25(1969) VOL.1&2A thesis from University of StrathclydeNot published.
Murphy, B.Irish WhiskiesLabels, past and present1993
Steadman, RalphIslayPamphlet for Oddbins1997
UnknownThe great scotch whisky housesDecanter magazine1988
UnknownNoble spiritDecanter magazine1989
UnknownThe wonderful world of BourbonMakers mark distillery.
UnknownOne hundred year of progressMalt Whisky Assoc.Producers
UnknownAn introduction to single maltMarr Assoc. (Ltd)Promotion
UnknownScotch Whisky, Q & AScotch Whisky Assoc..
UnknownA short guideSMWS.
UnknownJameson Heritage CenterIrish dist..
UnknownJ&B RarePromotion.
Chadwick, Can scotch be discr. from blendBritish Med. JournalDec 83
Lapointe, F-CA classification of Pure Malt Whisky(click, it's on the net)Legendre

Some videos and DVD's of major interest

Title.............................. Distilleri(es)................. Distilleri(es)................. Note........
Aflodal, HenrikThe Whisky World (click, its on the net) A CD produced in Sweden (english) .
The Whisky Project - Part 1The distilleries of Islay2 DVD's/2003 .
The Whisky Project - Part 2The Islay Malt & Music festival 2 DVD's - 2004.
The Whisky Project - Part 3The Highland & Lowland Distilleries2 DVD's/2004.
Scotch Whisky- The myth and the magicPeople behind the whisky/Interviews1 DVD/2004 .
The Sound of WhiskyCD Ian FraserWhisky Pronounciation.
Distillery TourArdbegJim Murray.
No half measuresLaphroig..
First class from IslayBowmore..
Virtual Distillery tourBowmoreCD-ROM.
Classic MaltsLagvulin, Talisker, Oban, Cragganmore Glenkinchie, Dalmore, Strathisla, Glen GrantMichael Jackson
Defenders of the MaltGlendronach, Laphroig, Scapa ..
A day in the life ofGlenmorangie..
The whisky Trail Glenfarclas, Glenfiddich, GlenlivetTamnavulin, Tamdhu, Cardhu.
The Scotch Malt Whisky SocietyNo particular distillerybut a minor segment from Laphroig.
The making of ScotchGlenrothes..
Scotch Malt Whisky AssociationPromotional video..
IrelandOld Bushmilll..
The making of the new spirit of ScotlandLochranza (Isle of Arran)..
The Last handmade MaltEdradour..
Orkney's goldHighland Park..
Malt WhiskyGlenfarclas..
Whisky ProductionBladnoch..
Whisky TV ProgramsBev D. Blackwood at

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Malmoe, Sweden on March 15, 1996
HTML script by Ulf Buxrud © 1996